A few months ago, I was looking thru some files on my computer, when I ran across the letter below that Alex wrote on March 14, 2007.  Exactly six months before he died.  I hope that you enjoy reading almost as much as I did.

My dream

By: Alex Harp 

  I have a lot of dreams but this one revolves around God. So listen up. I want to lead others to Christ. Some people more then others. I also want to lead 20 people at the least to Christ. Next, I want to read the whole bible. However not just to me but to others. Then I want to lead certain people to Christ, as well.  Next, I want to go to church at least 2 months straight. No less though. I also want to bring others to church. I want to lead others by singing, praise, and etc. I will bring others to God in these ways. These are a lot of things I want to do before I die, as my dreams.