When someone that we love is sick we pray for God to do a miracle.  And when they are not healed as we would like for them to be, we simply think that it was not in God's will to heal them.

When Alex was taken to the hospital by ambulance, I got on my knees and prayed for God to show His miraculous work.  He did!  That day was August 14, 2007.  Today is June 23, 2008.  Alex died and went to Heaven on August 14, 2007. You may be asking yourself, "How in the world could she be calling that a miracle?"  Its easy.  First of all, Alex did not suffer from a long drawn out illness.  Thank You, Lord.  After Alex passed on, many lives were changed.  People came to us and told us about the little boy on the black golf cart going around witnessing to people (we had no idea).  Many people got saved after his passing because he left such a strong testimony.  My mother-in-law and father-in-law, who not involved in a church before, are very active members in a church now.  My father-in-law is a Gideon, also.  I am closer than I ever have been before to God.  I have quit a lot of things and only focus on my walk with God now.  Eddie is closer to God and even finds himself witnessing to others.  Chris, our oldest son, has mentioned that he wants to go into the mission field once he receives his degree in medicine.  We now have a ministry started, in honor of Alex.  There are so many other things that have taken place.  All of these things were in the plans of God's miracle that He intended.  Not to heal Alex physically, but to heal all of us spiritually.  To give us hope.  You see, Alex is healed.  His feet no longer hurt, he has no tears, no fears, or even sorrow.  He has no temptations, no peer pressure, and no ridicule.  I consider all of this to be a miracle.